Woolwich Polytechnic Prospectus 2024-25

PROSPECTUS 2024-2025

"Pup i l s , and s tudent s i n the s i x th form, bu i l d pos i t i ve re l at i onsh i ps wi th each other and wi th s taf f . Pup i l s know that s taf f care about them and wi l l he l p them. " OFSTED, 2024


Our two schools are located next to each other and we work in close collaboration to achieve our Vision of “Success for Everyone”. This means that we are highly inclusive and place the needs of our students and their community at the heart of our work. All that we do is driven by two values – Care and Unity. By Care, we mean that we show a level of consideration and commitment to each-andevery student that we believe is unmatched. This means that each student is seen as an individual and treated with the care that they need to achieve great things. Unity means that we always work together – with our two schools, with our community and with our wider partners – to ensure that we are delivering the best strategies to create success for everyone. Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys has a very long history of success (indeed, the actual school is over one hundred years old!). We have a track record of impressive exam results and impressive levels of pastoral care and we ensure that the environment for learning is always one which is safe, positive and enjoyable. We work very hard to create strong relationships within our organisation and we welcome strong parental involvement. We know that our students will only achieve their best if they are safe and happy. The main school is supported by a large and successful Sixth Form on the same site which admits girls as well as boys. I do hope that you find this prospectus exciting and that it persuades you to come and visit us to see what makes us special. I am confident that you will not be disappointed! SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE WHY CHOOSE WOOLWICH POLY? POLYMAT OPERATES TWO VERY SUCCESSFUL SCHOOLS IN THAMESMEAD – WOOLWICH POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND WOOLWICH POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.

BECOMING PART OF THE POLY FAMILY WELCOME TO WOOLWICH POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST IN US. We are a very special school that aims to serve the community, improve opportunity for our community and also reflect our community through our diverse and ambitious curriculum, as well as through our diverse staff and student bodies. We hope that you, too, feel that specialness when you visit us, a specialness that encompasses care and compassion, a genuine delight in children’s contributions and a drive towards “success for everyone”. We have a long and proud history, having educated boys for over 100 years: we have been a technical school, reported as the most improved boy’s school in the country, a community school and now an academy, a single school and now the founding ‘brother’ to our sister school, Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls. We have year-on-year exam results at GCSE and A Level that make us, our students and their families rightly proud. Yet our relentless focus is upon the futures of our current students as we counsel them through their educational careers to be the most successful version of themselves. To support your son through their secondary education, we have firm foundations in exemplary pastoral care and expert teaching. Safeguarding our students is the absolute priority that informs the behaviours we demonstrate in the staff and student bodies. Our pastoral care and personal development programme are child-centred, empathetic to individual children’s needs, recognising their challenges and assisting with overcoming them. We care; we listen; we understand context and we actively build meaningful relationships with every child. Our teaching is equally child-centred, offering support and challenge as required to ensure that all our students achieve the grades they need to pursue the courses and careers they aspire to with confidence. Our curriculum is designed so that students can make interconnections between the various subject disciplines, hence stimulating a culture of curiosity and questioning so that all our boys leave us as well-rounded, caring members of the community, ready to navigate the adult world safely, critically and knowledgeably. We also recognise that child development is enhanced through pleasure and we therefore cater for their personal interests with an extensive enrichment programme, including wellbeing days, our Activities Week, curriculum and reward trips and a variety of clubs. There are always opportunities for your son to have their voice heard, whether through the Student Council or more informal feedback to tutors, teachers and head of year or our dedicated student voice coordinator. I am confident that you will have made the right choice for your son by privileging us with his care, education and personal development so welcome to the Poly family. SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE

Trust-wide vision Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys shares the PolyMAT vision of ‘Success for Everyone’ through raising standards and consolidating relationships

Our vision is “Success for Everyone”. We aspire for every member of our community, regardless of circumstances or background, to be the best version of themselves - confident, successful students, committed, successful staff, who are committed to growing and developing as practitioners, and engaged stakeholders who unite in celebration. We achieve our Vision through our two core values of CARE and UNITY.​ The value that ensures that our impact is greater than it ever could be if we worked alone. This means that our schools, teams and individuals are always pulled together in ways which share the workload and create solutions from which everyone benefits. We are determined that nothing can divide us when we put the needs of our community before everything else. The overriding feel within our Trust is that we care more than anyone else could expect. We care for all aspects of our practice and, in particular, we care for: ​ Everyone’s safety and happiness ​ Everyone’s personal development and growth ​ Everyone’s outcomes ​ Everyone’s standards ​ Everyone’s learning ​ Everyone’s well-being ​ Everyone’s relationships ​ This is reflected by the fact that we call ourselves the Poly Family and we are an organisation based on relationships above all else – we are individual people first and students, staff and parents second. OUR SHARED VISION C A R E 01 U N I T Y 02 SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE

We offer an exciting, innovative and personalised curriculum that changes in response to national requirements. All stages of our curriculum are designed to inspire and challenge students at all levels of their education. The school puts an emphasis on the importance of information and communication skills. These underpin and empower your son’s independent learning, which will put him at the forefront of technology. L E S S ON S F O R S U C C E S S In a recent OFSTED inspection, it was noted that we have “an unusually high proportion of Advanced Skills Teachers and Lead Practitioners” who encourage creative, responsive and effective approaches to teaching and learning. Academic, personal, social and leadership skills are developed through our varied curriculum that includes artistic, musical and sporting opportunities. TEACHING AND LEARNING "Pup i l s take pr i de i n the i r work and ta l k enthus i as t i ca l l y about what they are l earn i ng , mak i ng l i nks wi th what they have l earned prev i ous l y . " OFSTED, 2024

We offer a full, broad and balanced curriculum, taught by subject specialists who deliver high quality lessons in order to inspire the love of their subject and promote a sense of awe and wonder so that our students become specialists in that field. At the heart of this curriculum is the development of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills – those skills central to future success and life-long learning and to develop our students as well rounded individuals, ready to move onto the next phase of their education Our personalised curriculum means that some students in Year 7 follow our transition curriculum. This involves a cross-curricular approach to literacy and numeracy, taught by specialists who are skilled in developing vital learning skills. This curriculum has proved a great success in helping students make more rapid progress than that of the national average. All students select their Key Stage 4 choices via our option programme during Year 9 and start their courses in Year 10. Our options programme is extensive and allows students to study a considerable range of GCSE and vocational courses at Level 1 and 2, where appropriate. Students are given close guidance and support to help them make the best choices for themselves and their future, securing the most suitable pathway to sixth form, college, apprenticeships and beyond. CURRICULUM We are very proud of our new curriculum, which has been designed to be inclusive of our school’s communities. It is reviewed each year in order to tailor the right courses to the right students and so ensuring success for everyone. The wider curriculum includes an extensive Personal Development programme and a fantastic range of leadership and extra-curricular activities. Our curriculum plays an important part of the continuing success of our boys in their examinations. "Leader s have des i gned an amb i t i ous cur r i cu l um" OFSTED, 2024 KEY STAGE 3 KEY STAGE 4 GRAMMAR SCHOOL INTAKE We are pleased to be able to offer an exciting and challenging curriculum to our most able students through the Grammar School Intake (GSI) programme. The aim of this programme is to provide a grammar school curriculum experience within an outstanding, inclusive and caring comprehensive school. Students are selected for the programme based on their previous achievements and school testing on intake. SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE

C A R I N G F O R O U R B O Y S PASTORAL CARE Woolwich Polytechnic School prides itself on the outstanding quality and strength of its pastoral care. Our highly skilled heads of year and their tutor teams are dedicated to supporting the pastoral and academic welfare of the students in their charge. We have enhanced the pastoral teams this year to include lead practitioners and mentors to enhance students’ experiences. This outstanding and compassionate team will ensure your son succeeds academically, socially and personally.​ Woolwich Polytechnic School, like any high achieving organisation, is anchored in a celebration of its achievements. We celebrate a diverse and multicultural community and academic, sporting, social and cultural successes. Our celebratory ethos inspires our boys to reach their potential by praising and rewarding their success.​ The pastoral team forges close links between parents, students and tutors to ensure that your son understands the importance of good manners.​ We believe the success of Woolwich Polytechnic School is based on the thriving partnership between parents and carers, students, staff and governors. We encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their son’s studies and often invite them into school to share subject knowledge with them. We use My Child at School to inform parents of day-to-day developments and detailed information on their child. ​ We hold many events that bring our entire school community together to share in your son’s success.​ It is the parents/carers’ responsibility to ensure that their child attends school and that the school is informed of the reason for any non-attendance. Students receive certificates for very high attendance. "Bu l l y i ng i s not to l erat ed , and s taf f are v i g i l ant . Th i s he l ps to ensure that pup i l s f ee l saf e and are kept saf e . " OFSTED, 2024

Our gifted and talented Scholars’ programme, working alongside our GSI provision, identifies those students who have the potential for above average achievement in either traditional ‘academic’ subjects and/or more creative areas such as art, drama, music and sport. We ensure that conditions such as dyslexia, which may prevent students from demonstrating their potential, do not form barriers to identification and achievement. We offer a broad spectrum of extra-curricular activities that are designed to motivate and challenge students and explore interests beyond the curriculum. We believe that learning transcends barriers and reaches out into the local community and beyond; therefore, we actively encourage students to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We have a wide variety of after-school clubs and activities that are available to all students, including sports, drama, music, art and technology. Students are often given the chance to showcase their talents to a far wider audience than the school. Our school was the first in the country to receive a Gold Award for its Work Related Learning, which promotes students’ understanding of the world of work and key employability skills. We have close links with businesses, both local and national, which support our enterprise activities. Moreover, our excellent work experience programme for students in Year 10 and Year 12 helps your son with his career choice and prepares him for the transition from school, to college or to employment. "Be i ng a pre f ec t g i ves you a sense of mean i ng and respons i b i l i t y . I t makes you proud . " Year 11 Prefect ENRICHMENT

All students are expected to wear the school’s uniform and to possess the necessary kit for physical education. Clothing must be smart, clean and tidy. All boys are expected to wear this uniform on the journey to and from school, as well as in school. If for any reason your son is unable to come to school wearing the correct uniform, he should bring a note of explanation from you. Caps, trainers and hooded jackets are not permitted. If your son is found wearing these items, they will be confiscated and he may be sent home. Boys are not permitted to wear jewellery (including earrings) to school for health and safety reasons. The only permissible pieces of jewellery is a watch or a medical wristband. UNIFORM SCHOOL UNIFORM Black blazer with school badge* Black trousers White shirt Black v-neck jumper with school badge* School tie (black and red with school badge)* Shoes - black (boots and trainers are not permitted) A plain dark coat or jacket for outside wear Black socks A lanyard* (One free lanyard is provided in the first instance but lost lanyards must then be paid for) PHYSICAL EDUCATION KIT Black shorts with school badge* Red and black polo shirt with school badge* Red and black rugby shirt* Trainers Red football socks* Black training top ~ Black training pants ~ Red and black fleece ~ Football boots ~ Uniform must be smart, clean and tidy. *These items can be purchased on-line direct from the manufacturer. Please see the school’s website for the order form. Orders can be collected from the school or sent directly home. ~ These items are not compulsory. Cashless Payments The school operates a cashless payment system. The school finance office will no longer accept cash as a method of payment unless there are exceptional circumstances. The school is able to accept card payments, operated through My Child at School. All parents/carers will be issued with a username and password and details of how to access the system. The system can be used for all payments including catering, educational visits, Activities Week and revision guides. Cashless Catering System Cash loaders around the school allow students to use their identity cards to add funds to their accounts. Students are discouraged to bring cash into school and electronic payment is the preferred option.

BEHAVIOUR Safeguarding our students is the absolute priority that informs the behaviours we want to see from all stakeholders and it also informs decisions made by the designated safeguarding lead. Expectations of students’ behaviour can be summarised in the three words: we expect students to be ready, respectful and safe. Students conduct themselves in a way that helps keep themselves and others safe: they show self-restraint, even in difficult situations when they always politely defer to teachers and associate staff around them. Our students are caring, empathetic and tolerant, celebrating cultural and lifestyle differences. They show their readiness by being punctual to school and lessons, whilst maintaining correct uniform and equipment required to start tasks swiftly and with minimal instruction or reminders. In summary, teachers teach uninterrupted and students study uninterrupted. Students should always feel secure so that they can share problems with their tutors/heads of year, knowing that they will be supported through these problems. They know the school rules and understand why the rules are in place. We also expect that we need to teach students how to behave, through consistency, boundaries and repetition: some students may take longer to acquire a solid foundation of expected behaviour but they will be reminded, taught and sanctioned as appropriate if they fall short of expectations. Be Ready Be Respectful Be Safe

The Class of 2024 is celebrating yet another fantastic set of GCSE results at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys with numerous departments posting results in the top 10% of the country for progress. ​ Results in both English and Maths exceeded national averages and were significantly higher than national averages for boys. Our success at GCSE translated into a record high intake into our sixth form where our students will strive for excellence in their level 3 courses.​ Several students achieved exceptional results by attaining all grade 8s and 9s, with one being accepted onto a fully funded scholarship to Eton College.​ For the second year running, the gap between our disadvantaged students and the whole cohort was significantly below the national gap, proving that our Vision of "Success for Everyone" is at the heart of all we do. ​ It’s pleasing to see the hard work and dedication displayed by students, teachers and support staff throughout the duration of year 10 and 11 open so many doors of opportunity. ​ Huge congratulations to our staff and students alike for reaping the rewards of a huge team effort. ​ Headteacher, Mr Tom Lawrence, says: ​ “I am delighted and immensely proud to announce that Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys have achieved GCSE results that compare very favourably to previous years. The progress our year 11s have made in a number of subjects has been within the top 10% nationally, the remaining subjects at least at national averages and many more above. Art, photography , graphics, biology, chemistry, physics, maths, sports, design technology French and Spanish stand out as particular successes with results significantly above national averages, with English language, English literature, geography, citizenship, ICT, business, drama and economics showing above national average as well - the range of highly successful subjects mirroring the range of talents our year 11s clearly have. Our success translates to even more deserved opportunity for our outgoing year 11s, many of which we are welcoming back to extend their success in our Sixth Form. I must also congratulate teachers for their enormous efforts and offer my gratitude to parents for supporting their sons and us through these times: everyone’s efforts have been rewarded with great success.” CEO of PolyMAT, Mr Tim Plumb states:​ "It's delightful to see so many happy faces once again and to know that the school has changed life chances for the better. Enrolment to the 6th Form look incredibly strong and I am so proud of all our staff for making such a difference to our students and their futures."​ SUCCESS FOR EVERYONE GCSE RESULTS 2024

Our Sixth Form is co-educational, meaning that girls as well as boys can benefit from an education of the absolute highest standards. Our Sixth Form reflects the ethos of the school in valuing hard work and outstanding learning and teaching. Sixth Form students benefit from two modern study areas, both with state-of-the-art IT facilities. We encourage and support students to develop independence in their study skills and in their general attitude to life. Our outstanding pastoral care system extends to Sixth Form students and is the foundation upon which their success is built. It is with tremendous pride that Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form, rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, celebrates the success of the Class of 2024.​ 60% of our students achieved A*-B grades, with students securing their offers to Cambridge, Warwick, UCL and Newcastle, amongst others.​ Headteacher, Mr Tom Lawrence states, “Our class of 2024 have done themselves proud, achieving some of the best key stage 5 results that we have seen, including those years before the pandemic. Our headline figures show an almost perfect 99.2% pass-rate, and our average grade is an impressive B grade. For those grades that really matter to get into university, A*-C grades, our overall percentages hold up very well indeed with our students achieving at least 86% C grades, 60% B grades, and 23% A and A* grades. These grades mean that the overwhelming majority of our students will access their first-choice universities and high-end apprenticeships; few have had to worry about clearing; many more will be accessing the illustrious Russell Group universities. The results day itself has been a great day of rightful celebration for staff and students.”​ Ms Susan Principe, Deputy Head of Sixth Form and Head of Year 13 comments, “It is an honour to celebrate with the students and staff after all the hard work that has been put into place in preparation for this day. Year on year, I am amazed at what our students achieve, and the Class of 2024 did not disappoint. ‘Proud’ is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about being part of this community and I cannot wait to welcome our largest cohort to date as we expand our Sixth Form in September. Our students are truly ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders’.”​ Congratulations to the Class of 2024!​ Carmen - A*A*AA - Economics at Cambridge Toyosi - A*AA - Medicine at UCL Nikita – ABB - Medicine at Newcastle Ibrahim - A*A*A - Economics at Cardiff Simeon - A*AB - Psychology at UCL Deanne - B, Distinction* & Distinction* - Law at Birmingham 60% OF OUR STUDENTS RECEIVED A* - B GRADES, WITH A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER CONTINUING THEIR ACADEMIC PATHWAYS AT RUSSELL GROUP UNIVERSITIES, INCLUDING CAMBRIDGE, EDINBURGH, WARWICK AND UCL AMONGST OTHERS.