Careers Fair - Friday 27th January 2023
As part of our Careers Programme we held a Careers Fair for Year 9, 10 and 11 students.
This was a great opportunity and an efficient way for the students to meet and talk to career professionals.
In attendance:
- Financial business architect consultant - Risk/ Fraud & Financial crime (worked for Barclays & Santander )
- Freelance creative fashion product graphic designer (worked for Marvel/ Disney)
- TFL- Customer service & maintenance
- “We made that”- Architect City designer
- LSEC- construction/ engineering/ technical apprenticeships
- Umbrella training- Hospitality
- Metropolitan police - Civil services & law enforcement
- Shaw-trust- Apprenticeships & pathways/ careers
- All dimensions - Health & Social care, child care, Business & IT apprenticeships
- London College of Performing Arts
It was fantastic to see students gaining confidence as they spoke to the professionals and how they actively started thinking about their own futures.
Thank you to Ms Barrett for bringing over students from Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls for one of the afternoon sessions.
Jeddediah (Year 10), who is interested in architecture, appreciated the advice to aim for his master’s degree.
#woolwichpolytechnic #polymat #careersfair