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Message to parents/carers - Tariff changes April 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will be aware there have been significant prices increases in many food items over the last 12 months with some significant increases in many items.  

As a result, our catering company, Wilson Jones, have been forced to make some changes to the tariff. In order to minimise the impact on our families they have decided to expand price points, instead of applying a flat rate increase across the board.  This means is that there will still be items available at the current price points and also an increased number of options at these lower price points, however, the prices of the higher premium products will be increased.

The cost of a meal deal will increase from £2.60 to £2.75; this will include the price of a free school meal. We firmly believe, and evidence has shown, that if children eat healthily this will help them to achieve both their educational and lifestyle goals. 

Please be assured that we know the decision to increase prices has not been taken lightly and believe that the revised prices will still remain competitive with the prices charged in other local schools. 

These changes will come in to effect with the new menu change, following the Easter break. 

We would like to remind parents and carers that you may be entitled to claim for free school meals. Please contact the main school office if you would like help completing the application form. 

To qualify for free school meals you must be: 

  • Receiving Income Support and Child Benefit 
  • or receiving income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or income-based Employment & Support Allowance and Child Benefit 
  • or receiving Child Tax Credit only with no entitlement to Working Tax Credit and with a gross annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue of £16,190 or less (gross means before deductions for tax and national insurance) and Child Benefit 
  • or receiving the guarantee element of State Pension Credit and Child Benefit 
  • or being supported under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 

click here to view the tariff menu 2023 

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT