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Top Achievers' Programme Event - Saturday 8th July 2023

Top Achievers Programme Event – Saturday 8th July 2023

The TAP event on Saturday was a great success. There were 50 students from the current years 10-12 in attendance accompanied by their parents/carers so around 100 in total.

The keynote speaker was Richard Hopkins, Head of the Department of Agriculture, Health, and Environment at the Natural Resources Institute. His talk showed how he has combined biology, chemistry, and maths to come up with innovative ways to prevent insect-borne killer diseases like malaria, sleeping sickness and yellow fever.

Natural Resources Institute Twitter

Natural Resources Institute - Agriculture, Health & Environment Department Website

Sarah Large (from Mansfield College Oxford) ran great sessions on applying to Oxbridge and early entry.

Mansfield College Oxford Twitter

David Vaccaro, Wycombe Abbey’s Director of Learning, and Innovation at Wycombe Abbey School gave two maths masterclasses for Year 11 and 12 students.

David Vaccaro Twitter

Wycombe Abbey Twitter

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this wonderful event.


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