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Exciting trips to Tump 53 Nature Reserve for Year 7 Students

Exciting trips to Tump 53 Nature Reserve for Year 7 Students

16th - 20th October 2023

This week, our Head of Transition, Ms Franklin, arranged for Year 7 students to visit the nearby Tump 53 Nature Reserve in their respective form groups. The reserve is a precious community space that provides a platform for children, the youth, and the wider community to connect with nature and the environment.

These trips are a fantastic opportunity for our Year 7 students to develop their collaborative skills and cultivate friendships within their tutor group. Upon arrival, students were divided into groups and participated in a variety of team-building and problem-solving activities, all of which require them to think creatively and work cohesively with their peers.

For the second part of the trip, students moved to another location where they are tasked with constructing a shelter using only tarpaulin and ropes tied around the existing trees. The shelters were then tested for durability as water was poured over them!

The students thoroughly enjoyed their time in the reserve, acquiring new skills and making new friendships along the way. We would like to extend our gratitude to the team at Tump 53 for their outstanding work in hosting these workshops for our students.


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