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Academic Review Day - Tuesday 19th December 2023 for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are writing to remind you that on Tuesday 19th December we are holding our Academic Review Day. On this day the school will be closed for lessons and all students and their parents/carers will be expected to come to the review day to see form tutors.  Attendance at the review day will constitute attendance at school for the day.  You will be able to book an appointment between 11.00am to 1.00pm and 1.30pm to 3.20pm.

Appointment bookings should be made via Bromcom MCAS.

You can find guidance on how to do this at the website link below.

On arrival at the school, you will be able to collect your child’s report which shows progress made this term and will be used as a basis to set targets for them for the future.

As you are aware, parking availability in the roads around the school is very limited and local traffic enforcement officers are likely to penalise those parked illegally.  You are encouraged to park in the local retail stores’ car parks and walk to school from there.

T Lawrence

Head of School                                

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SE28 8AT