WPSfB supporting Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys is proud to support Children's Mental Health Week 2024.
This year’s theme is: Your Voice Matters.
This Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.
In honour of “Children’s Mental Health Week” we have been encouraging students to speak up about their mental health and provide them with the tools that they need to do so. It is without a doubt that young people struggle with emotional literacy, so this week has been about developing that.
Each morning, a student has shared a poem they have written over the tannoy and our senior mental health lead has been reminding students to speak out if they are struggling with their mental health. We are also encouraging students to share their creative work and this will be published on the website.
My Mind is a Battlefield - Written by Zion
My mind is a battlefield my intrusive thoughts are winning
My mind is a battlefield my head feels like its spinning
My mind is a battlefield my mind feels like it is slipping
My mind is a battlefield A guiding light I am constantly grasping
My allies have arrived, and I am not surprised
They lifted me up when they heard my cries
My mind is a battlefield my mind is winning
My mind is no longer a battlefield
My mind is at peace as me and my friends are grinning
I am basking in my glory and cannot wait to tell my story
If you are struggling tell someone they may be able to help you
Here are some other activities happening in school:
- Mental health workshop with Year 8.
- Posters are displayed in and around the corridors.
- Staff have been writing the students messages of support which will be turned into an art installation.
- Support group for female 6th form students.
- PD and morning activities.
In addition, we are signposting students to get the help they need. Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
We are aware that global conflicts affects the mental health of many of the young people in our community, so we will be holding a fundraiser on Thursday 8th February to raise money for “Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)” for their vital medical work in Palestine.
Happy Children’s Mental Health Week: your voice REALLY does matter to us!
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 Website
useful links & resources for parents/carers and students
- Place2be - Parenting advice from our mental health expert
- Talking to your child about mental health
- Kooth.com - FREE online counselling service for 11-19 year olds
- National Literacy Trust - Happiness and wellbeing activities to do with your child
- Self-kindness tips for children
- CBBC Mental Health: 5 creative self-care ideas
- Mental Health resources for schools, caregivers and young people
- Young Minds - Mental Health resources and advice
- Mind - Useful contacts for 11-18 year olds
- NHS - Looking after a child or young person's mental health
- Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing - Greenwich Community Directory
Useful School Contacts:
Senior Mental Health Lead/ LGBTQ+ Lead and DSL for 6th form: Ms Elliott helliott@woolwichpolyboys.co.uk
DSL for whole school: Ms Kouame dkouame@woolwichpolyboys.co.uk
Mental Health coordinators: Ms Hawgood and Ms White dhawgood@woolwichPolyboys.co.uk chwhite@woolwichpolyboys.co.uk
Lead Counsellor: Ms Prescott jprescott@woowlichpolyboys.co.uk