Consultation of the expansion of the DSP (Designated Specialist Provision) at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys
The DSP at Woolwich Polytechnic School currently has 15 places for boys in Key Stage 3 and 4 with Moderate Learning Disabilities and Autism. The school is proposing the expansion of its DSP to 45 places; 15 of these places would remain fully on the WPS site and 30 co-educational places would be based on a self-contained satellite provision on Cookhill Road in Abbey Wood with pupils accessing provision on the WPS site as appropriate.
The DSP is funded by the Local Authority and admissions are open to pupils from across Royal Borough of Greenwich with Education, Health and Care Plans in the appropriate need.
The consultation period runs from Monday 10th March to Friday 4th April and allows anyone with an interest (for example parents, other schools and the local community) to comment. You can comment by emailing or by attending an in-person consultation meeting at Woolwich Polytechnic School 4:30-5:30pm on Wednesday 26th March.