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British Science Week 2025

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, research and innovation - featuring events and activities across the UK for people of all ages. It is run by the British Science Association (BSA) and supported by partners including UK Research and Innovation.

What is the British Science Week theme for 2025?

British Science Week is taking place between 7-16 March 2025.

This year's theme explores change and adaptation, which is all around us and affects every area of STEM.

For example, animals and plants change and adapt to their surroundings to survive.

We've also seen technology constantly evolving which can help people in many different aspects of their lives - from learning in classrooms to finding new medical treatments.

And it doesn't just happen here on Earth, even the stars and other space objects change too. Perhaps there is life on other planets that also adapts as their environment changes?

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