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Wednesday 14th December - Important Information

Dear parents/carers, 

School will be open tomorrow, but due to adverse site conditions will be open only to Years 7, 8, and 9.

Students should arrive by 8.30am. Our planned early finish due to ARD for year 11 and 13 will still stand, so students will be dismissed at 12.45pm.  Lunch will still be available. 

Our ARD for Year 11 and 13 will now take place online.  Your appointment times will remain the same, but you will meet with subject teachers online.  Please access the appointments via schoolcloud.  

A reminder that our Target Review Day for years 7-10 will take place on Thursday 15th December from 8.30am-1.00pm. Students and their parents/carers should only attend school for their appointment.   

Kind Regards 

Mr T Lawrence 

Head of School 

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT