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Jack Petchey Awards

Established in 1999, the Jack Petchey Foundation makes grants to programmes and projects that benefit young people aged 11-25.

The Foundation exists to raise the aspirations of young people, to help them take advantage of opportunities and play a full part in society. To find out more about what they stand for, view 'Our Vision and Mission'.

The geographical focus of their work is London and Essex. Since it has been established, the Foundation has awarded grants totaling over £100 million!

There are nine awards per academic year from September to June and all those winners celebrate their achievements at an awards ceremony, which is held in November, for the previous year’s winners. Students are nominated and winners are chosen by their peers.

Each winner receives £200 to spend on something fun for the school. It should not necessarily be academic but something to celebrate achievement, for example, a celebration day, meal out for a club they are in, a trip, something for the playground etc. So far, our winners have spent the award money on outdoor table tennis tables, lunchpod and contributions towards form trips.

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Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT