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  • New Vacancy 5/1/23

    Published 05/01/23

    We seek an experienced and professional School Counsellor to work 2 days per week for Woolwich Polytechnic School Sixth Form.  The ideal candidate will play a leading role within a multidisciplinary team that supports the physical, mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils and staff.

    Our School Counsellor will be an important provider of support to our Sixth Form students and will therefore play an integral role in our pastoral care.  In doing so, they will provide a safe, neutral, and non-judgemental space for our pupils to explore their feelings and emotions, enabling them to fulfil their full potential.

    You will hold a Postgraduate Diploma or Masters level in Counselling/Psychotherapy, trained to BACP level of accreditation or working towards accreditation or equivalent. You will be a member of the BACP or equivalent.  You will have excellent interpersonal, verbal and written skills and proven ability to work independently and as a member of a team. 

    Click here for more information and how to apply

    If there are not any current vacancies that appeal to you, please sign up to our talent pool here

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  • Free School Meals to families with NRPF

    Published 14/12/22

    The Government has now extended Free school meal to families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF), if you think you are eligible, please apply via:

    RB Greenwich Council website:

    LB Bexley Council website:,the%20school%20gets%20extra%20funding

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  • Winter Support Packages

    Published 14/12/22

    Our wonderful staff have been donating food, toiletries and vouchers to our winter support packages. Providing this support for our school community families will certainly make a difference during a very difficult time.

    Staff have been parcelling everything up and also delivering these packages directly to our families.

    What a fantastic community we have here at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys where our staff are so generous with their time and donations, always putting the needs of our students and their families first.

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  • KS3 Exams - 4th-13th January 2023

    Published 14/12/22


    Dear Parent/Carer,

    All students in Years 7 -9 will be taking part in exam week from Wednesday 4th January to Friday, 13th January 2023. During this time, they will sit exams for all their subjects. The purpose of this is to experience exam conditions, practise timing, and test knowledge and exam skills.  After the exams, teachers will be able to feedback on students’ strengths and weaknesses and ensure that appropriate interventions are put in place.

    It is important that your son prepares well for these exams, and it is expected that he revises at home. We will be publishing Subject Revision Maps for students to optimise their revision.

    Exams will take place in classrooms, but all will be conducted under exam conditions.

    Exam conditions are:

    • Silence in the exam room (classroom)
    • No revision materials
    • No mobile phones, smartwatches or any electrical devices
    • No turning round or getting out of seat
    • No talking to any other student

    Equipment required:

    • Clear pencil case
    • Black pens (at least two)
    • Pencil, ruler, rubber
    • Calculator

     If you have any queries regarding the exams, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s head of year or myself.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ms C Miranda

    Associate SLT/KS3 Raising Standards Leader



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  • Meet our two new students...

    Published 14/12/22

    It would seem that we have two new students joining us in school this week! We hope that you are all staying warm and safe in this cold winter weather.

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  • Tutor Review Day - Useful guides for parents/carers

    Published 13/12/22

    Click the links below to download TRD guides:

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  • Wednesday 14th December - Important Information

    Published 13/12/22

    Dear parents/carers, 

    School will be open tomorrow, but due to adverse site conditions will be open only to Years 7, 8, and 9.

    Students should arrive by 8.30am. Our planned early finish due to ARD for year 11 and 13 will still stand, so students will be dismissed at 12.45pm.  Lunch will still be available. 

    Our ARD for Year 11 and 13 will now take place online.  Your appointment times will remain the same, but you will meet with subject teachers online.  Please access the appointments via schoolcloud.  

    A reminder that our Target Review Day for years 7-10 will take place on Thursday 15th December from 8.30am-1.00pm. Students and their parents/carers should only attend school for their appointment.   

    Kind Regards 

    Mr T Lawrence 

    Head of School 

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  • Winter Water Safety Advice

    Published 13/12/22

    The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has issued safety advice today to ensure everyone is aware of the dangers around frozen water and what to do in an emergency.  

    RLSS UK offer safety advice for winter water safety, with simple steps to keep safe during the winter: 

    1. Never go onto the ice to play, to retrieve an object, or a pet
    2. Never enter the ice to rescue somebody, call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service
    What to do if you fall through the ice: 
    • Keep calm and shout for ‘help’
    • Spread your arms across the surface of the ice in front of you
    • If the ice is strong enough, kick your legs to slide onto the ice
    • Lie flat and pull yourself towards the bank
    • If the ice breaks, work your way to the bank-breaking the ice in front of you anyway
    • If you cannot climb out, wait for help and keep as still as possible. Press your arms by your side and keep your legs together. Keep your head clear of the water
    • Once you are safe, go to hospital immediately for a check-up
    What to do if you see someone fall through the ice:
    • Shout for assistance and phone the emergency services – call 999 or 112
    • Do not walk or climb onto the ice to attempt a rescue
    • Shout to the casualty to ‘keep still’ and offer reassurance to keep them calm
    • Try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree branch, clothing tied together or anything else which can extend your reach
    • When reaching from the bank, lie down to avoid being pulled onto the ice
    • If you cannot reach them, slide something which floats, such as a plastic bottle or football, across the ice for them to hold onto to stay afloat whilst help is on the way
    • If the casualty is too far away, do not attempt to rescue them. Wait for the emergency services while calming and reassuring the casualty
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  • UPDATE 7am!Tuesday 13th December - Important Information

    Published 12/12/22

    Dear parents/carers,

    Unfortunately, due to transport issues affecting many staff, school is only open to year 7, 8 and 9 today.  Students of Year 7, 8 and 9 should arrive by 8.30 but will be dismissed at 2.00pm.

    Students in years 10-13 will stay at home and complete assignments set on Teams. 

    Please check our website for regular updates, although we do plan on school being open for all students on Wednesday, with early closure at 12.45 for Year 11/13 TRD.

    We thank you for your continued support.

    Kind regards

    Tom Lawrence

    Head of School

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  • Monday 12th December - Important information for parents/carers!

    Published 12/12/22
    Monday 12th December:
    • School will be open for years 7&8 only today, with school closing at 2.20pm
    • Students in years 9,10,11,12,13 should work from home. Work will be set on Teams.
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  • Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 9th December 2022

    Published 09/12/22

    Our Turkey/Receptionist Mrs Hawgood welcomed students and staff into school this morning in this amazing outfit and brought a smile to everyone's face.

    Such a lovely festive atmosphere in school today fundraising for Save the Children.


    How amazing do our wonderful staff look in their Christmas Jumpers?!

    Mrs Hawgood has been handing out some sweet treats to all those who have got involved in Christmas Jumper Day today. So wonderful to see our School community come together for fundraising events. Thank you to Mrs Hawgood for organising this event and for always creating so much joy and fun in our School. 

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