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  • PolyMAT Presents: Series 6 - Webinar Free CPD

    Published 24/11/22

    Wednesday 30th November 2022 - 2.40-4.30pm

    Our next event in the PolyMAT Presents series will focus on the importance of active, rather than passive, classroom activity as an essential ingredient in the learning process. We will hear from Dr. Craig Blewett, author of Activated Classroom Teaching or (ACT), a pedagogy designed to help move learning from passive to active supported by new technologies. We will also hear from a number of Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts, including Catherine Coleman, who will discuss the 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) pedagogy, and Cameron Kaljouw who will show how this can be put into practice using tools such as Minecraft.

    Click here for further information about the event and the webinar link

    All our speakers will be focussed on the active classroom/ active learning topic.

    We look forward to you joining us for this virtual mini-conference either live, or afterwards when these are posted to YouTube. 

    You can watch our other 5 series of PolyMAT presents on our YouTube channel here

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  • UK Disability History Month - Library Display

    Published 21/11/22

    Take a look at the wonderful display that our School Librarian, Ms S Griffiths has put together to mark disability history month 16th November - 16th December. 

    UK Disability History Month 22 - Website

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  • Curriculum Spotlight on Geography

    Published 21/11/22

    Curriculum Spotlight on: GCSE Geography Fieldwork

    Year 11 geographers have been studying freshwater pond and woodland ecosystems recently.  Fieldwork undertaken has been to assess the health of these ecosystems through collecting data on pond species plus vegetation coverage/species variation in the woodland.  Data collected will be graphed and analysed back in the classroom.

    Field work is an important part of being a geographer.  Not only does studying out ‘in the field’ improve understanding, but also helps to develop a wide range of analytical and evaluative skills which employers are looking for.

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  • Curriculum Spotlight on Cyber Security

    Published 18/11/22

    18th November 2022

    Spotlight on ... Learning about Cyber Security! As part of the topic ‘Computer Crime & Cyber Security, Ethical and Legal Issues’, Year 8 Computing & IT students have been learning about the issues of cyber security.  Our budding businessmen will be well-prepared for their futures because they are now fully aware of the risks of ransomware attacks, have learnt about the important role of encryption, and also how important it is to have back-ups as a preventative measure. 

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  • Admissions Consultation

    Published 14/11/22


    In line with DFE guidance, PolyMAT, as the admissions authority, is consulting and seeking comments on the Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024 for Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.


    This consultation follows the procedure set by the Admissions Code 2021 (‘The Code’) and gives the local community the opportunity to provide their views on these proposed admission arrangements.

    This consultation relates to some minor changes to our Admissions Arrangements for 2024-25 which we must now consult on ahead of the changes being determined. 


    The changes to the Admissions Criteria are as follows: 

    • Where the school is over-subscribed, children of a Trust staff member who is currently employed on permanent contract at the time of application for admission to the academy is made, will be considered as the fourth priority in the criteria.

    • The Academy has increased its planned admission number for the Sixth Form to 320, of which 80 are external, i.e. from students entering Year 12 who are not transferring from EITHER Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys or Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls own Year 11 cohort.



    This consultation will run from Monday 14 November for eight weeks, concluding at 5pm on Sunday 8 January 2023. We are keen to hear views from the local community who are likely to be affected by the proposed changes and are consulting interested parties in accordance with the Admissions Code.

    Please send any responses to by letter to the school address, Woolwich Polytechnic School, Hutchins Road, Thamesmead, SE28 8AT, labelled Admission Consultation.

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  • Wear it Pink 2022 - Raised £500!

    Published 07/11/22

    Thank you everyone for your generous donations Friday, it really was an amazing day! The just giving page is at £144, so we have now raised £500.00 in total for Breast Cancer Now.

    There is still time to donate here: Breast Cancer Now

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  • Reminder - Late start Thursday 10th November 2022

    Published 07/11/22

    I am just writing to remind that the school has a late start on Thursday 10th November, this is because of the 6th form open evening. Students will not be allowed to enter the school until 10.15am. They will go to registration for 10.20am, and have break at 10.30 - 11am. 

    In addition, on Wednesday 9th November Year 11 students will go home at the earlier time of 12.40, to allow them time to go home and come back with parents. They are only allowed to attend the 6th form open evening if accompanied by a parent/carer between 3.45pm and 4.45pm. Please contact the Head of Year if this is not possible.

    Ms J Lumbis

    Deputy Headteacher

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  • Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form - Our Curriculum

    Published 07/11/22

    Take a look at our curriculum offer. All of our updated flyers and subject information can be found here.

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  • The 'Wear it Pink' Poly Bake Off

    Published 04/11/22

    At break time today we held our Staff Poly Bake Off Competition and then a bake sale. Thank you to everyone who entered their bakes.

    Our judges taste testing the bakes were Ms A Hoang, Ms V Smith and Mr J Davies. The judges had tough decisions to make choosing the top three bakes out of all those submitted.

    And the results are in.....

    Ms H Hubble - Coffee Cake - Third Place

    Mr C Perrins - Carrot cake cupcakes - Second Place

    Mrs E Crowley - Apple Cake - 1st Place

    Thank you to all the staff and students who donated their time and money to the bake sale today, your generosity is greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you to Mrs Hawgood for coordinating this event.

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  • Wear it Pink day is finally here! Friday 4th November 2022

    Published 04/11/22

    Today is it wear it pink day at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys and how amazing do our staff look in their pink outfits! There is still time to donate to our justgiving page.

    How fantastic does Mrs Hawgood our lovely receptionist and Year 11 student Micah look today?! Well and truly in the spirit of wear it pink at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.

    Mrs Hawgood also ran two sweepstake staff games which Mrs S Cunningham won the first game and Mr L Parks guessed the closest number of flamingos in the photo. Each winner received some prize money with the rest of the money raised from these games going towards our fundraising total.

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  • Spotlight on - Black History

    Published 03/11/22
    Spotlight On…...Black History at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys

    Black History is taught throughout the year at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.  Just a sample of some of our KS3 History topics are: 

    Year 7 - Islamic Civilisations; Mansa Mus and the Mali Empire; Tudors - Black Tudors 

    Year 8 - Benin Empire; Qing Dynasty; British Empire – inc. impact on colonies  

    Year 9 - World War 1 - soldier experiences - Black British Soldier; Indian Soldier; World War 2 - role of Commonwealth countries; British Civil Rights Movement - Post WW2 to Black Lives Matter 

    Our students really enjoy their history lessons:

    “We have been learning how the Benin Empire created statues of their leaders and also how they traded with Europe”. Joel 8SD 

    “I’ve enjoyed improving my historical knowledge about a country in Africa”. Israel 8SD 

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