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  • Author - Steve Cole Visit 18th October 2022

    Published 19/10/22

    Best-selling children’s author Steve Cole came to talk to Years 7 and 8 on Tuesday 18th October. 

    Steve has written over 200 action, fantasy, comedy and adventure books including AstrosaursBeast Quest and Z. Rex and the sales of his books have exceeded three million copies. He gave an exciting workshop about his recent Young Bond series and answered the students’ questions about his career as a writer.

    Copies of all the Young Bond books, as well many of his other titles, are available in the school library. 

    Thank you to Ms Griffiths our school librarian for coordinating this fantastic extra-curricular opportunity for our students.

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  • Mental Health Week - October 2022 - UPDATE

    Published 18/10/22

    On Friday 14th October we supported Mental Health Week by wearing green items of clothing to school and also holding a bake sale.

    Students and staff baked and donated cakes, and we sold these tasty treats, raising over £80.00 for the Mental Health Foundation. 

    A big thank you to the students from the student council and our Year 11 Prefects for their support helping out on the day.

    A thank you must also go to Mrs Hawgood who organised the events for Mental Health Week and made this week so much brighter. Thank you for all you do to support to our school community with extracurricular events. 

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  • Dr Vaccaro - Super-curricular opportunities for our students

    Published 18/10/22

    We were delighted to welcome Dr Vaccaro - former Oxbridge Admissions Interviewer and current Director of Learning and Innovation at Wycombe Abbey School into our school to work with our students.

    Ms Mirza will be working with Dr Vaccaro to offer super-curricular opportunities across the girls and boys schools to KS3 students.

    We are aiming to use the excellent 6th form contacts developed by Ms Coleman, Ms Elliott and Dr Nicholls to provide opportunities across PolyMat for our students; watch this space!


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  • Free Online Resources for Students

    Published 17/10/22

    Please find below links to various resources, including links to writing competitions, video books, reading lists and more! Students may find these resources beneficial with their learning and home learning.

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  • Arriving to School on time is really important

    Published 14/10/22

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  • Extra-Curricular Timetable for Sports 2022/2023

    Published 14/10/22

    Have you seen our extra-curricular timetable for sports?

    Our fantastic PE Department offer a wide range of sport clubs before and after school. 

    If you would like to find out more about the PE curriculum, please contact Mr Davies at:

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  • Meet our CEIAG Team

    Published 14/10/22

    Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance is an important part of our student's education. 

    At Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys we have a dedicated CEIAG team: Mr Cooke who oversees careers education via PD; Ms Edwin who conducts the careers interviews; and Ms Randhawa who ensures that each Year 10 and 12 student has a two - week work experience placement. All are based in the careers room (opposite room 20). 

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  • World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2022

    Published 07/10/22

    The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year.

    The theme of 2022's World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.

    For over 70 years, we’ve been working to make sure that mental health is treated on a par with physical health. Mental health problems exist in our lives, families, workplaces and communities, impacting everyone. We need to do as much as possible to prevent mental ill-health – as individuals and as a society. We will continue to call on national and local government to prioritise reducing the factors known to pose a risk to people’s mental health, enhancing those known to protect it and creating the conditions needed for people to thrive.

    World Mental Health Day is also a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

    This morning at 10am Jurgen a Year 8 student council member spoke to the whole school via the tanoy reading a poem called Haleem's story. 

    View more information from Mind about Mental Health here

    Find out more information about the Tellmi app here

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  • Year 10 Work Experience - March 2023

    Published 07/10/22

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys are currently searching for employers to offer our Year 10 students work experience from the 13th to the 24th of March 2023.

    Students with the relevant credentials to match your workplace will be selected to apply for the placement.

    Please contact our Work Experience Coordinator to express your interest:

    Contact Numbers: 0208 310 7000 / 0208 059 2800


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