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Page 28

  • Jeans for Genes - Friday 23rd September 2022

    Published 20/09/22


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    We have decided to have Genes for Jeans day Friday 23rd September, boys will need to give a donation of their choice to their tutor. They must still wear shoes, shirts, tie, lanyard and blazers.

    Thank you for your support with this important charity, please find more information here: Jeans for Genes Week - Tues 20th - Sun 25th September

    Ms J Lumbis

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  • Information for Parents/Carers - Behaviour for Learning Video

    Published 15/09/22

    Safeguarding our students is the absolute priority that informs the behaviours we want to see from all stakeholders, and it also informs decisions made by the designated safeguarding lead. Expectations of students’ behaviour can be summarised in the three words: we expect students to be ready, respectful and safe.

    Students conduct themselves in a way that helps keep themselves and others safe: they show self-restraint, even in difficult situations when they always politely defer to teachers and associate staff around them. Our students are caring, empathetic and tolerant, celebrating cultural and lifestyle differences. They show their readiness by being punctual to school and lessons, whilst maintaining correct uniform and equipment required to start tasks swiftly and with minimal instruction or reminders.

    In summary, teachers teach uninterrupted and students study uninterrupted. Students feel secure so that they can share problems with their tutors/heads of year, knowing that they will be supported through these problems. They know the school rules and understand why the rules are in place.

    We also expect that we need to teach students how to behave, through consistency, boundaries and repetition: some students may take longer to acquire a solid foundation of expected behaviour but they will be reminded, taught and sanctioned as appropriate if they fall short of expectations.

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  • Watch our A Level Results 2022 video

    Published 13/09/22


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  • Watch our GCSE Results Day 2022 video

    Published 13/09/22



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  • Information about Monday 19th September

    Published 13/09/22

    Dear parents and carers,

    The sad news of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing has resulted in a period of national mourning.

    This includes an additional bank holiday scheduled for Monday 19 September, the day of the state funeral, when all schools will close, including, naturally, both Woolwich Polytechnic schools.

    We will reopen on Tuesday 20 September as normal.

    We hope that this message finds you and your families well during this period.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr T Lawrence - Head of School WPSfB

    Ms L Williams - Head of School WPSfG

    Mr T Plumb - CEO PolyMAT

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  • Open Events - Discover what makes our school so special!

    Published 09/09/22


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  • Newsshopper 31st August - Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys feature on page 61

    Published 01/09/22

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  • Student's Return to School Arrangements

    Published 22/07/22

    Click here!

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  • Celebrating our best ever GCSE examination results!

    Published 22/07/22
    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys is delighted to celebrate its best ever GCSE examination results this year following a tremendous collective effort from staff, students and the support of our wonderful parents/carers.  We smashed both the L
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