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  • Bannockburn Fun Run 10am Sunday 17th March 2024 - Get involved!

    Published 29/02/24

    Bannockburn Fun Run 10am Sunday 17th March 2024 - Get involved!

    All proceeds support Cancer Research. Bannockburn have raised approximately £10,000 through this event over the years.

    Help us spread the word within the community, for children, and families who enjoy running. Participants can choose from 2k, 5k, and 10k races on RunBritain, listed under Bannockburn as a multi-terrain event. Every runner receives a medal and the winners receive trophies.

    Thank you in advance for your support!

    RunBritain Link

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  • Proposal to change the timings of the school day

    Published 26/02/24

    Click to download the Proposal to change the timings of the school day letter

    Re: Proposal to change the timings of the school day

    26th February 2024

    Dear neighbours,

    I am writing to you to consult you on the proposed changes to the school day at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.

    The reason for this proposed change is to ensure that students can safely access transport to and from school whilst we expand our sixth form numbers from around 380 to approximately 490 students in September 2024 and up to 620 students in September 2025.

    We are aware from our own monitoring that public transport frequency is not adequate to meet the demands of two adjacent full schools finishing at similar times, resulting in long waits for students and congested bus stops. We are also aware that buses are often full when students try to access them on their way to school from the Plumstead area, leading to lateness.

    We believe that the following changes are necessary to ensure safer dismissal of students as well as easier transport to school in the mornings.

    For Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, the years 7-11 changes can be summarised as:

    • A 10 minute later start time of 8.40am every day;
    • A 15 minute later finish time of 3.20pm every day except Wednesday;
    • A finish time of 2.40pm on Wednesdays which will include an afternoon registration;
    • We will no longer need to have different finishing times in Week A and Week B, meaning that the finishing times above are consistent each week;
    • The lengths of periods, break and lunch will not change;
    • Interventions that we run after school will also start and finish 10 minutes later, normally from 3.20-3.50pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays;
    • We will continue to meet the minimum length that the Department of Education requires of 32.5 hours per week.

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls, our sister school right next door, intends to start at 8.15am and finish by 14:55pm, creating a 25-minute gap between both schools’ start times and a 30-minute gap between finishing times. This difference in start and finish times will make students’ access to public transport significantly easier and safer, both to and from school.

    For years 12 and 13, the same start time applies but these students will not have afternoon registration, meaning that they will finish school at 3.05pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and at 2.30pm on Wednesdays at the latest. This is also intended to relieve more pressure on public transport as our sixth form numbers grow to ensure safe dismissal of our students at the end of the day.

    Should these changes be approved, they would come into effect from 2nd September 2024. 

    If you would like to give your own feedback on this proposal, then please email us at by Friday 29th March 2024.

    We will release the results of the consultation by Friday 3rd May 2024 via our website and the final decision will be made at that point.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr. T. Lawrence
    Head of School
    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys


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  • Aruna Jalloh former student stars in new BBC series 'Boarders'

    Published 26/02/24

    Aruna Jalloh concluded his studies at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys in 2016, after studying GCSE and A Level Drama here. During his time at the school, he secured spots at the National Youth Theatre of GB and Rose Bruford Drama School through successful auditions. Known as a dedicated student, Aruna was asked by Miss Waine to return to the school during his University years to participate in a National Theatre Connections show, "Children of Killers". He readily agreed and not only mentored younger students but also shared his acting skills and expertise.

    Currently, Aruna is starring in the new BBC Three series "Boarders", a coming-of-age comedy drama that tracks the journey of five underprivileged black students who earn scholarships to an esteemed boarding school. In this show, Aruna portrays Femi, a Nigerian student striving to make his family proud and navigate his new environment. All episodes are now accessible for download on BBC iPlayer.

    Prior to this, he captivated audiences in "For Black Boys..." at the Royal Court and Apollo Theatre in the West End, performing to sold-out crowds every night.

    We are immensely proud of his accomplishments and cannot wait to see what he does next!

    Boarders review – this private school satire is absolutely packed with future megastars

    Watch 'Boarders' now on BBC

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  • Royal Borough of Greenwich letter to parents/carers: School Attendance

    Published 22/02/24

    Click to download the Royal Borough of Greenwich Attendance Letter February 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    I trust this letter finds you well and that your children have enjoyed the half term break and are settling into the new term, with enthusiasm and a desire to learn.

    As we head into this new term, I would like to emphasise the importance of good attendance at school. While some children face occasional illnesses or barriers to attending school, maintaining regular attendance is key to ensuring they receive the education and support they need to thrive.

    Why is good attendance so important?

    1. Learning Consistency: Regular attendance ensures that your child can consistently engage with their teachers and peers, contributing to better learning outcomes.
    2. Social Development: School provides a vital environment for children to develop socially, build relationships, and develop interpersonal skills. Missing school can disrupt this crucial aspect of their growth.
    3. Academic Progress: Absenteeism can result in missing out on key learning experiences and valuable classroom activities, potentially leading to gaps in your child's knowledge. There is documented data on the correlation between absences, academic achievement and lifelong outcomes.
    4. Preparation for the Future: Regular attendance helps your child build a strong work ethic, which is essential for their future endeavours.
    5. Sanctions for irregular school attendance. As well as the impact on your children, parents and care givers can face sanctions for not ensuring their children’s regular school attendance. Action, we strive to avoid.

    We understand that there can be challenges to ensuring regular school attendance and we are committed to supporting parents/care givers and children to enable regular school attendance. Each school is committed to:

    • Providing a clear Attendance Policy, clarifying the school rules regarding attendance.
    • Providing guidelines on when it is appropriate to keep a child home due to illness, and when it is safe for them to attend school.
    • Supporting with health and well-being concerns; Parents are encouraged to communicate any health concerns promptly. Parents are encouraged to communicate any other issues that are impacting on their ability to ensure regular school attendance, so that supportive measures can be put into place, via school resources, signposting and/or involving or referring to support agencies.
    • Schools will work on and review strategies to build the resilience of their students, equipping them to adapt to challenges that may arise during their school journey.

    The Local Authority, School staff and teachers are committed to providing the best educational experience for your children. We believe that by working together with parents and care givers, we can create a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that will enable your child to succeed.

    With your support and collaboration in encouraging your children’s good attendance, we can endeavour to ensure they make the most of their learning opportunities and lifelong outcomes.

    Kind regards

    Florence Kroll Director of Children’s Service

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  • FREE Medical & Dental Virtual Work Experience

    Published 20/02/24

    Understanding the pivotal role that work experience plays in shaping a student's perspective on their future career, we're delighted to extend an invitation to your students to participate in our FREE 6-month medical or 4-month dental virtual work experience programme.

    There is only a limited time remaining for students to explore specialties in Critical and Intensive Care or New Dental Patients before the next rotation begins on the 4th March. Aimed to provide students with insights into the medical and dental fields, this free virtual work experience empowers students to make informed decisions about their future.

    Students can find out more here:

    To ensure your students don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity, they need to attend our upcoming Get Into Medicine or Get Into Dentistry conference, granting them IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Virtual Work Experience programmes.

    By attending a Free LIVE Virtual Get Into Conference and completing the free virtual work experience programme, students will also receive a 'Highly Commended' reference from the Presidents at Medic Mentor. This reference is a powerful addition to boost your medical school applications and C.V. It can be proudly listed on your UCAS application under the section for ‘conferences you have attended which have prepared you for higher education’.

    If your students haven't attended a Get Into Conference but would like to join the Virtual Work Experience, they can sign up for the next upcoming conferences on these dates:

    For aspiring Doctors: FREE LIVE VIRTUAL Get Into Medicine conference dates:

    • Sunday 25th February from 9:30am - 3:30pm
    • Saturday 2nd March from 9:30am - 3:30pm
    • Sunday 3rd March from 9:30am - 3:30pm

    For aspiring Dentists: FREE LIVE VIRTUAL Get Into Dentistry conference date:

    Saturday 24th February, 9:30am - 3:30pm

    Students and parents can register for free at these links:

    Throughout these conferences, students will have the chance to interact directly with doctors, dentists, and medical and dental students LIVE. They'll gain critical information to make a competitive application to study medicine or dentistry at university.

    Students aged 14 - 18 are invited to attend with a parent or guardian, equipped with a working camera and microphone.
    Medical Registration Link:
    Dental Registration Link:

    If you have any questions at all, feel free to drop an email

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  • WPSfB supporting LGBT+ History Month 2024

    Published 19/02/24

    LGBT+ History Month

    Claiming our past – Celebrating our present – Creating our future

    LGBT+ History Month is for everyone; whether you work in education, a museum, a library or an art gallery, a business, a service, or are a member of a network/social group or an individual.

    It is celebrated every February across the UK and was founded in 2004 by Schools OUT UK  co-chairs, Paul Patrick & Professor Emeritus Sue  Sanders. It was first celebrated in February 2005.

    For so long LGBT+ people’s history was hidden, following the repeal of Section 28, UK LGBT+ History Month was created to:

    • claim our past
    • celebrate our present
    • create our future

    The UK 2024 LGBT+ History Month theme is:

    Medicine – #UnderTheScope

    The 2024 theme celebrates LGBT+ peoples’ contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare both historically and today.

    We want to showcase the amazing work of LGBT+ staff across the NHS and in other healthcare settings, in providing healthcare, especially during the pandemic. Whilst still shining a light on the history of the LGBT+ community’s experience of receiving healthcare which has been extremely complicated leaving LGBT+ people still facing health inequalities even today.

    Click to view the LGBT+ History Month 2024 Website


    Careers in Science:

    In our science department, we have assembled a display featuring a select group of individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of medicine. Thank you to Mr Maddox for putting this display together. 

    Book recommendations in the Library:

    Our wonderful librarian, Ms Griffiths has put together another fantastic display supporting LGBT+ History Month as well as a section of book recommendations that students can check out right now.


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  • Afternoon Tea at Woolwich Town Hall with the Mayor of Greenwich and Councillor Lekau

    Published 09/02/24

    Afternoon Tea at Woolwich Town Hall with the Mayor of Greenwich and Councillor Lekau

    In December, Councillor Lekau invited students at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys to design Christmas cards to be printed. She then met with the students in person to award prizes and showcase the winning designs. After the christmas break, the councillor invited the participating students to visit Woolwich Town Hall.

    On Thursday 25th January, we took seven students from Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys on a short bus ride to the town hall, which serves as the home of Royal Greenwich's local government. Constructed in 1906 and opened by Will Crooks MP, the magnificent listed building reflects a rich history.

    Upon arrival, Councillor Lekau led the students on a brief tour of the building, including the council chamber where the Mayor of Greenwich conducts meetings. The students had the chance to sit in various seats in the room, including the Mayor’s seat and even speak into the microphones.

    Next, the group visited the Mayor's office, where they met with Councillor Dr. Dominic Mbang. The students introduced themselves and asked the Mayor questions about his role, including how he became the Mayor, what he does in his position, and how heavy his chain that he wears is. The students also discussed their own career aspirations. The day concluded with some wonderful refreshments and the Mayor and Councillor Lekau presented each student with a badge, a pin, and a bag of goodies.

    The students thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful and informative afternoon. We are incredibly proud of these students and how fantastically they represented our school on this trip.


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  • Royal Borough of Greenwich SEND Strategy survey for parents/carers

    Published 07/02/24
    Click here to complete the Royal Borough of Greenwich SEND Survey

    The Royal Borough of Greenwich is currently developing their new SEND Strategy and want to hear from parents/carers to help decide the priorities for Greenwich for the next 5 years.

    There is also a SEND drop in session on 05/03/2024 at the Eltham Centre 10.30-11.45am where SEND officers in Greenwich and members of the Parent form will be available to support you in completing them.

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  • WPSfB supporting Children's Mental Health Week 2024

    Published 07/02/24

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys is proud to support Children's Mental Health Week 2024.

    This year’s theme is: Your Voice Matters.

    This Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.

    In honour of “Children’s Mental Health Week” we have been encouraging students to speak up about their mental health and provide them with the tools that they need to do so. It is without a doubt that young people struggle with emotional literacy, so this week has been about developing that.

    Each morning, a student has shared a poem they have written over the tannoy and our senior mental health lead has been reminding students to speak out if they are struggling with their mental health. We are also encouraging students to share their creative work and this will be published on the website.

    My Mind is a Battlefield - Written by Zion

    My mind is a battlefield my intrusive thoughts are winning

    My mind is a battlefield my head feels like its spinning

    My mind is a battlefield my mind feels like it is slipping

    My mind is a battlefield A guiding light I am constantly grasping

    My allies have arrived, and I am not surprised

    They lifted me up when they heard my cries

    My mind is a battlefield my mind is winning

    My mind is no longer a battlefield

    My mind is at peace as me and my friends are grinning

    I am basking in my glory and cannot wait to tell my story

    If you are struggling tell someone they may be able to help you

    Here are some other activities happening in school:

    • Mental health workshop with Year 8.
    • Posters are displayed in and around the corridors. 
    • Staff have been writing the students messages of support which will be turned into an art installation.
    • Support group for female 6th form students.
    • PD and morning activities.

    In addition, we are signposting students to get the help they need. Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.

    We are aware that global conflicts affects the mental health of many of the young people in our community, so we will be holding a fundraiser on Thursday 8th February to raise money for “Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)” for their vital medical work in Palestine.   

    Happy Children’s Mental Health Week: your voice REALLY does matter to us!

    Children's Mental Health Week 2024 Website



    Useful School Contacts:

    Senior Mental Health Lead/ LGBTQ+ Lead and DSL for 6th form: Ms Elliott

    DSL for whole school: Ms Kouame

    Mental Health coordinators: Ms Hawgood and Ms White

    Lead Counsellor: Ms Prescott






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  • Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February 2024

    Published 06/02/24

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys is proudly supporting            Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February 2023

    Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. Starting as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and taken up by the Insafe network as one of its earliest actions in 2005, Safer Internet Day has grown beyond its traditional geographic zone and is now celebrated in approximately 180 countries and territories worldwide.

    From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns.

    We have also shared some useful links to resources for parents/carers and students, please find below:

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  • Edurio - Parent Experience Survey

    Published 05/02/24

    Message for current parent/carers

    We are delighted to invite you to participate in a new annual survey in which we'll be giving you the opportunity to express your opinions on parent and carer engagement at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, and your overall confidence in the school’s strategy.

    To help us with this, we're working together with the Edurio survey platform. You will have received a link to this survey through your MCAS account. 

    Surveys are completely anonymous and confidential, though the responses will be aggregated for the purpose of analysis.

    The survey will be available until Friday 23rd February 2024, so please make sure to have your say and share your feedback over the next few weeks.

    Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated.

    If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with Edurio at

    We look forward to your feedback!

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