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  • Edurio - Parent Experience Survey

    Published 05/02/24

    Message for current parent/carers

    We are delighted to invite you to participate in a new annual survey in which we'll be giving you the opportunity to express your opinions on parent and carer engagement at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, and your overall confidence in the school’s strategy.

    To help us with this, we're working together with the Edurio survey platform. You will have received a link to this survey through your MCAS account. 

    Surveys are completely anonymous and confidential, though the responses will be aggregated for the purpose of analysis.

    The survey will be available until Friday 23rd February 2024, so please make sure to have your say and share your feedback over the next few weeks.

    Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated.

    If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with Edurio at

    We look forward to your feedback!

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  • Meet Ms Kalicharan - Assistant Head Teacher at WPSfB & Raising Standards Lead at Sixth Form

    Published 05/02/24

    Meet Ms Kalicharan - Assistant Head Teacher at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys and Raising Standards Lead at Sixth Form.

    Find out more about Ms Kalicharan’s role at the School, the importance of a good clear routine, how students are able to get the best possible experience here and how to motivate students.

    ‘The teaching staff here are approachable, they enjoy what they do they are passionate and love their subject areas which is such a great reason for students to come to our Sixth Form’ - Ms Kalicharan.

    Watch now!

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  • Subject Review Days - Wednesday 7th & Friday 9th February 2024

    Published 05/02/24

    Subject Review Day Years 10 and 12 - Wednesday 7th February

    • Year 10 - 1pm- 3pm
    • Year 12- 3.30pm - 6.00pm
    • No appointment necessary.
    • There will be an early closure for years 7, 8, 9, and 11 @ 12pm 

    Subject Review Day Years 7, 8, 9 - Friday 9th February

    • Year 9 - 9am-10.30am
    • Year 8 - 11am-12.30pm
    • Year 7 - 1pm-3pm
    • School will be closed for all other students unless invited in for special intervention.


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  • Meet Prapti - Head Girl 2022-2023

    Published 24/01/24

    Meet Prapti!

    Head Girl 2022 - 2023.

    Learn about Prapti’s background, her interests, how she represented the School as one of the Head Girl’s, how helpful the teachers are at Sixth Form and her plans for the future. Prapti is studying at the University of Warwick.

    ‘My favourite thing about the Sixth Form is the family style environment, it is very welcoming and you will feel at home here’ - Prapti

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  • Meet Isimeme - A student from the Class of 2023 at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form

    Published 24/01/24

    Meet Isimeme!

    A student from the Class of 2023 at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form.

    Find out all about Isimeme’s creative journey and the skills she has learned, how positive she felt coming to school each day and the trust she built with her teachers as well as her life goals.

    ‘The teachers here are very good role models. There is a great sense of community here at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form, everyone is so friendly, I would advise you to come to this school’ - Isimeme

    Watch now!

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  • Meet Callum - A student who has been at WPSfB from Year 7 - 13

    Published 24/01/24

    Meet Callum!

    A student who has been at Woolwich Polytechnic from Year 7 to Year 13.

    Hear all about who inspires Callum, his ambitions in life, tips on what to expect if you join our sixth form and how the workload is tough but everything is worth it when you achieve great results. Callum is studying English and Drama at Queen Mary University of London.

    ‘When you get to Sixth Form there is everything here from various sports clubs , board game clubs, reading and debate clubs. If there is a club that you want to run, speak to your teachers as this is what I did on two occasions’ - Callum

    Watch now!

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  • Meet Camille! Head Girl 2022-2023

    Published 24/01/24

    Meet Camille!

    Head Girl 2022 - 2023

    Hear all about Camille’s upbringing and interest in drama, how she has grown in confidence, her experience being a student at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form and how excited she is for the future studying drama at the University of Manchester.

    ‘The staff and pastoral team at Woolwich Polytechnic genuinely care for you as a person here, you aren’t just another student or statistic, which is something that you do not get at every school’ - Camille

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  • Exciting new videos on our YouTube channel - Check out @polymatschools and watch now!

    Published 24/01/24

    Exciting new videos on our YouTube channel - Check out @polymatschools and watch now!

    Meet the Class of 2023 at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form

    At Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form, we take great pride in our students' growth, achievements and success stories. Take a moment to hear from some of our former Year 13 students and learn about their unique journeys and life experiences at our School.

    These five videos explore a variety of topics, where students speak openly and honestly about the challenges of Sixth Form, discovering a new career path option, the impact of inspiring teachers, and the personal growth experienced through extracurricular activities as well as so much more. These videos offer just a glimpse of the incredible stories and accomplishments of this amazing group of students.

    If you are in search of a welcoming, inspiring, inclusive, and supportive Sixth Form full of new and exciting opportunities with a family feel, look no further than Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form.

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  • Holocaust Memorial Day - 27th January 2024

    Published 23/01/24

    Fragility of Freedom is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2024.

    'That is when the trouble started for the Jews. Our freedom was severely restricted by a series of anti-Jewish decrees.'

    – Anne Frank, diary entry, Saturday 20 June, 1942 – reflecting back on May 1940 when the Germans arrived in the Netherlands

    What is Holocaust Memorial Day?

    Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) encourages remembrance in a world scarred by genocide. We promote and support Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) – the international day on 27 January to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in CambodiaRwandaBosnia and Darfur.

    27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp.

    The Holocaust threatened the fabric of civilisation, and genocide must still be resisted every day. Our world often feels fragile and vulnerable, and we cannot be complacent. Even in the UK, prejudice and the language of hatred must be challenged by us all.

    HMD is for everyone. Each year across the UK, thousands of people come together to learn more about the past and take action to create a safer future. We know they learn more, empathise more and do more.

    Together we bear witness for those who endured genocide, and honour the survivors and all those whose lives were changed beyond recognition.

    Display in the School Library

    Our School Librarian has put together this informative and thought-provoking display about Holocaust Memorial Day in the Library, with lots of great book recommendations.

    Useful links and resources
    Take part in Holocaust Memorial Day
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  • KS4 & KS5 Dental and Medical Work Experience Opportunities

    Published 19/01/24

    We understand how challenging it can be for students to secure meaningful work experience in the fields of dentistry and medicine. That's why attending a Get Into Medicine or Get Into Dentistry conference is crucial, as it provides INSTANT access to our Virtual Work Experience programmes.

    Virtual work experiences have been accepted by the Medical Schools and Dental Schools Council as valuable alternatives to traditional, in-person shadowing, and this month we're diving into the fascinating world of Emergency Medicine and Dental Hygiene, Dentures & Difficult Decisions.

    Students can find out more here:

    Participating in this virtual work experience not only opens doors for students to gain insights and opportunities that may otherwise be hard to access but also serves as a crucial step in preparing them for their upcoming physical placements. Partnering with Birmingham Universities Hospitals Trust, our Virtual Work Experience has been a game-changer for thousands of secondary school students in the past year.

    Combined with the essential knowledge on how to get into medicine or dentistry and valuable advice from doctors and dentists shared at the Get Into conferences, registering for the conference becomes vital.

    If your students aged 14-18 haven't yet attended a Get Into Conference but are interested in joining the Virtual Work Experience, they can sign up for the upcoming conferences on these dates to gain INSTANT access after attending:

    For aspiring Doctors: FREE LIVE VIRTUAL Get Into Medicine conference dates:

    Saturday 27th January, 9:30am - 3:30pm
    Saturday 3rd February, 9:30am - 3:30pm
    Sunday 4th February, 9:30am - 3:30pm

    For aspiring Dentists: FREE LIVE VIRTUAL Get Into Dentistry conference date:

    Sunday 28th January, 9:30am - 3:30pm

    Students and parents can register for free at these links:

    Throughout these conferences, students will have the chance to interact directly with doctors, dentists, and medical and dental students LIVE. They'll gain critical information to make a competitive application to study medicine or dentistry at university.

    Students aged 14 - 18 are invited to attend with a parent or guardian, equipped with a working camera and microphone.
    Medical Registration Link:
    Dental Registration Link:


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  • Winter Water Safety

    Published 18/01/24

    RLSS UK offer safety advice for winter water safety, with simple steps to keep safe during the winter: 

    1. Never go onto the ice to play, to retrieve an object, or a pet
    2. Never enter the ice to rescue somebody, call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service

    Click here to read the full article on the Royal Life Saving Society UK Website

    What to do if you fall through the ice: 
    • Keep calm and shout for ‘help’
    • Spread your arms across the surface of the ice in front of you
    • If the ice is strong enough, kick your legs to slide onto the ice
    • Lie flat and pull yourself towards the bank
    • If the ice breaks, work your way to the bank-breaking the ice in front of you anyway
    • If you cannot climb out, wait for help and keep as still as possible. Press your arms by your side and keep your legs together. Keep your head clear of the water
    • Once you are safe, go to hospital immediately for a check-up
    What to do if you see someone fall through the ice:
    • Shout for assistance and phone the emergency services – call 999 or 112
    • Do not walk or climb onto the ice to attempt a rescue
    • Shout to the casualty to ‘keep still’ and offer reassurance to keep them calm
    • Try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree branch, clothing tied together or anything else which can extend your reach
    • When reaching from the bank, lie down to avoid being pulled onto the ice
    • If you cannot reach them, slide something which floats, such as a plastic bottle or football, across the ice for them to hold onto to stay afloat whilst help is on the way
    • If the casualty is too far away, do not attempt to rescue them. Wait for the emergency services while calming and reassuring the casualty
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  • Veganuary 2024 - One pot recipes for you to try!

    Published 08/01/24

    Try Vegan this January!

    Did you know that for the 2023 Veganuary campaign more than 700,000 people worldwide officially signed up on

    Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have signed up to the one-month vegan pledge since 2014, and in 2023 alone more than 1,610 new vegan products and menu options were launched.

    Take a look at some of the one pot recipes we have pulled from the Veganuary website below.

    #veganuary #veganuary2024 #veganrecipes #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #polymatschools #polymat #greenwich #thamesmead

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