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Key Stage 3 - Information about exams June 2023

All students in Years 7 -9 will be taking part in exam week from Monday, 12th June to Friday, 23rd June 2023. During this time, they will sit exams for all their subjects.  The purpose of this is to experience exam conditions, practise timing, and test knowledge and exam skills.  After the exams, teachers will be able to feedback on students’ strengths and weaknesses and ensure that appropriate interventions are put in place.

It is important that your son prepares well for these exams, and it is expected that he revises at home.

Exams will take place in classrooms, but all will be conducted under exam conditions.

Exam conditions are:

  • Silence in the exam room (classroom)
  • No revision materials
  • No mobile phones, smartwatches or any electrical devices
  • No turning round or getting out of seat
  • No talking to any other student

Equipment required:

  • Clear pencil case
  • Black pens (at least two)
  • Pencil, ruler, rubber
  • Calculator

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SE28 8AT