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Self-care over the summer break

Young Minds

Signpost your pupils to our self-care guide and encourage them to prioritise looking after themselves over the summer holidays – whatever that looks like for them. It’s easy for young people’s routines and healthy habits to go out the window during the summer, which can make it even harder for them to return to school come September. Supporting your pupils to learn about self-care and find accessible, enjoyable forms of it can really help their wellbeing now and in the future.

Get the self-care guide

Support for parents and carers

As you know, many parents and carers struggle over the summer holidays without the essential support that your school provides. Particularly when it comes to managing their child’s behaviour and mental health at home – but you can help. Share our list of activity ideas that can help make tough conversations about mental health easier. There are suggestions for both younger kids and teens.

How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

Our guide to challenging behaviour provides tips on how parents and carers can look after their child and themselves.

Challenging Behaviour | Parents' Guide To Support | YoungMinds

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