Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025 takes place March 17 to March 23
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, organisations, and others around the world with the opportunity to recognise the many skills and talents of neurodivergent individuals, while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower every individual.
Did you know?
- No two people are the same and so we will all have different profiles
- Although we talk about specific neurodifferences such as Autism and Dyslexia, the reality is that these can co-occur
- Every neurodivergent individual has a unique pattern of strengths and challenges
- We tend to operate on an approach to diagnosis and labels which can mean that quite often the focus is on the challenges rather than the many strengths and talents of neurodivergent individuals
- It is important that we take a person-centred approach, by tailoring strategies to each individual
- It is important to harness the strengths and talents of neurodivergent individuals, this helps to build confidence and self-esteem, and ensures individuals are given the opportunity to flourish in their day-to-day
Useful Links and resources
- Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Suggested Activities | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Posters | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Videos | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Resources | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Neurodiversity Comic Book | Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Jessi's story: Starting secondary school with autism - BBC Bitesize
- Gaming and autism: 'I can just be me' - BBC Newsround
- How do I educate my children with autism at home? - BBC Bitesize
- Marcus: How ADHD affects me and why being different is good - BBC Newsround
- What is Neurodiversity? 🧠Neurodiversity Celebration Week | Newsround
- What is Neurodiversity: A Video for Children
Links for parents/carers
- What we do | Ambitious about Autism
- Autistic Inclusive Meets UK | Autistic Led Non-Profit
- Support with autism | Greenwich Community Directory
- Online courses for emotional health and wellbeing
- Autistic Inclusive Meets - Young Greenwich Youth Services
- SEND Support - Home-Start Greenwich
- Children and neurodiversity | Parent Club
- 7 Ways to Explain Neurodiversity to a Child - Afrikindness
Book recommendations
- 40+ Children's Books Celebrating Neurodiversity | LoveReading4Kids
- Children's books featuring neurodiversity - Puffin Schools
- Children’s Books with Neurodiverse Characters for Kids, Parents, Teachers and Therapists · The Little Bookroom
- 40 Books Showcasing Diverse Disability Representation
Film recommendations
- Top 36 Movies and TV Shows Featuring Autism - Autism Research Institute
- Geek Girl: The Teen drama tackling neurodiversity and bullying - BBC News
- 10 Good Movies to Watch for Autistic Children in 2020 | Brain Power | Empowering Every Brain
- Movies with Characters Who Have Learning and Attention Issues and Developmental Disabilities | Common Sense Media