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Spotlight on - Black History

Spotlight On…...Black History at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys

Black History is taught throughout the year at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.  Just a sample of some of our KS3 History topics are: 

Year 7 - Islamic Civilisations; Mansa Mus and the Mali Empire; Tudors - Black Tudors 

Year 8 - Benin Empire; Qing Dynasty; British Empire – inc. impact on colonies  

Year 9 - World War 1 - soldier experiences - Black British Soldier; Indian Soldier; World War 2 - role of Commonwealth countries; British Civil Rights Movement - Post WW2 to Black Lives Matter 

Our students really enjoy their history lessons:

“We have been learning how the Benin Empire created statues of their leaders and also how they traded with Europe”. Joel 8SD 

“I’ve enjoyed improving my historical knowledge about a country in Africa”. Israel 8SD 

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