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Homework Timetables 2024-2025

Homework Timetables 2024-2025 

Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys believe that homework is an important part of the learning process for our students. We have a clear homework policy that is available on the website or from the school office.  

The two main purposes for homework are: 

  1. To develop opportunities for extended practice 
  2. To develop students’ capacity for independent learning

Our diet of homework includes the following: 

  • Practice and revision. 
  • Quizzes. 
  • Reviewing and reading old material. 
  • Short and focused intervention. 
  • ‘Feeding forward’. Pre-lesson preparation. 

We firmly believe that the quality of homework is more important than the quantity. Every pupil should receive specific and timely feedback on homework, therefore, quizzes based on retrieving old knowledge are used by our departments, when suitable.  

Homework is for everyone. Where some students may have restricted access to a computer, other opportunities will always be provided to support the needs of all our students. 

The following homework structure should be followed by our departments unless, specific circumstances are agreed by HOD. 

KS3 Core 

2 homework tasks set a week – suggested timing: 30 minutes each 


1 homework task is set each week – suggested timing: 30 minutes. 

KS3 Foundation 

1 homework task is set each week – suggested timing 30 minutes.   


2 homework tasks are set every week – suggested timing: 30 minutes to one hour each.   


Homework tasks are set each lesson, which in total will be a minimum of 5 hours per week – suggested timing: 1 to 1 ½ hours set each lesson.   

Parents/carers will: 

  • be provided with additional guidance to support learning at home and to help students with homework tasks; 
  • be encouraged to support the school’s homework policy;
  • be aware of students’ homework as it will be communicated via the MCAS app; 

Students will: 

  • receive homework via the students’ portal; 
  • receive specific and timely feedback on homework; 
  • be held to account for not completing homework. 

There is a homework timetable for each year group that shows the days each subject will set their homework.  The timetables should be used in conjunction with MCAS, which gives details about the content of the homework that is set. 

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Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT