Our Vision & Values
The school’s vision is ‘Success For Everyone’, this vision reflects the highest expectations of staff and the highest aspirations for all students. In addition to the school’s core values there is a relentless focus on achievement, progress and outcomes that has proved so successful over the years. The school has an inclusive family ethos which ensures that spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) is embedded deeply within our culture. This is achieved through a strong pastoral system which nurtures responsibility, supports outstanding behaviour and teaches respect, tolerance and British Values where students are encouraged to discuss and challenge ideas and beliefs. This culture is underpinned by the work of Student Council.
There are four main strands to our vision:
Learning – Every student to succeed
- An emphasis on English, Maths and Science, to ensure all students achieve a good or better pass at GCSE.
- A flexible curriculum that is individually targeted to students depending on their needs, for example, Year 7 students with low levels on entry will be given an ‘accelerated curriculum experience’ (ACE), whilst high achieving students (at KS2) will experience a grammar school intake (GSI) curriculum.
Teaching – Outstanding in every classroom
- Recruitment and retention of outstanding staff
- Developing outstanding staff and best practice through targeted continual professional development.
- Rigorous monitoring and high expectations of teaching and learning will be the responsibility of the Director of Teaching and Learning.
- Teaching will always be benchmarked against the Ofsted criteria for Outstanding
- Ongoing programmes of personalised CPD
Leadership – Every leader inspires greatness in others
- Outstanding leadership at senior and middle leader level will be evident in our forensic monitoring of the school’s performance.
- Key leaders and managers, including those responsible for governance, consistently communicate high expectations and ambition. This is supported by robust self-evaluation at both senior and middle leadership levels.
- Students participate in leadership through Peer Mentoring, School Council, the Prefect system, the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and other sport and community programmes.
Ambition – The highest expectations for all
- A no-excuses culture where background and prior attainment are not barriers to future success
- On successful completion of Year 11 a large number of students will be expected to join Woolwich Poly’s co-educational Sixth Form with the remainder moving to good quality further education colleges. Outstanding progression to Russell Group universities for those students leaving Woolwich Poly’s Sixth form.