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Ofsted Reports

The school retained a good designation from Ofsted in March 2024.

We are so proud of our success from the Ofsted inspection that we would like to bring your attention to the following quotations from the report. Should you like to read more, you can access the complete report online here.

  • “This is a large, diverse school where difference is valued.” "Leaders have set high expectations, which is reflected in their vision for ‘success for everyone.”
  • “Pupils, and students in the sixth form, build positive relationships with each other and with staff.”
  • "Pupils know that staff care about them and will help them.”
  • "Bullying is not tolerated, and staff are vigilant. This helps to ensure that pupils feel safe and are kept safe.”
  • “The rules set by the school are clear, supportive and fair.”
  • "Pupils understand the system of rewards that is in place, which motivates them to improve their conduct”
  • “Pupils, and students in the sixth form, value their extra-curricular opportunities.”
  • "Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership responsibilities, such as being representatives on the school council and acting as prefects.”
  • “Students in the sixth form feel supported by teachers who know them well.”
  • “Students value the advice and guidance they receive about careers and their next steps. They feel well-prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training.”
  • “Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum.”
  • “The curriculum is well-sequenced. Pupils learn fundamental concepts before building on what they already know and deepen their knowledge and understanding.”
  • “The curriculum is enriched through visits.”
  • “Pupils take pride in their work and talk enthusiastically about what they are learning, making links with what they have learned previously.”
  • “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are accurately identified.”
  • “Pupils who attend the additionally resourced provision are very well-supported by specialist staff.”
  • “The school ensures that all pupils read regularly and have access to a well-stocked library.”
  • “The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development is effective.”
  • “Pupils are provided with strong pastoral support”
  • "Pupils understand about healthy relationships and how to stay safe online.”
  • “There are a range of extra-curricular activities in which pupils can participate, such as chess, coding and competitive sports clubs.”
  • “The school is well-led.”

To read the full report please visit the website: Ofsted

We would like to thank everyone for the tremendous efforts in making The Poly Family such a special community. There are, of course, areas where we know we can improve and our efforts to make the school even better will never stop!

Thank you for your continued support as we move into an exciting new era where Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys and Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls will be working closely together to bring excellence to all children in the community.

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SE28 8AT