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Modern Foreign Languages

A successful Poly Linguist is someone who can reflect on how he has acquired and learned his first language and how this can assist him in further language learning. He is a confident individual who, through experiencing success and support, can interact with others in real-life situations, talk about topics of personal interest and deliver presentations in his new language. He is a resilient learner who will continue to explore a variety of ways of learning to find ways to memorise and reutilise new language. He is an effective contributor, who can work in individual, paired and group situations, and establish and maintain contact with other speakers of the target language. A successful Poly Linguist is a responsible citizen, who has a growing awareness of life in another society and of the issues facing citizens in the countries where his new language is spoken. He is a successful linguist who has an awareness of his skills as a learner; he is a reflective learner who interacts with feedback and is prepared to learn from his mistakes. He displays a keen interest in the culture and traditions of other countries and are curious about how language works.

A successful Poly Linguist’s success in modern languages is linked to having the resourcefulness to apply logic or analysis or other strategies within the communicative context. He responds to the challenge of the unexpected and draw on his knowledge and skills to infer meaning and deepen understanding. He is not afraid to make mistakes. A successful Poly Linguist is able to develop a good memory and he is prepared to learn, practise and apply new grammatical structures and new vocabulary to different contexts and situations. This student develops effective meta-cognitive skills and understands how he learns. He can see patterns in language (for example, decoding) and tries to reapply them in his own work.

Key stage 3

Support materials and useful links

KS3 French:

• Studio 1 Clive Bell and Anneli McLachlan

• Studio 2 Rouge: Clive Bell and Anneli McLachlan

• Studio 2 vert: Clive Bell and Anneli McLachlan

KS3 Spanish:

• Viva Libro 1 - Anneli McLachlan

• Viva Libro 2- Anneli McLachlan

Key stage 4

AQA GCSE French/Spanish


25% Listening exam

25% Reading exam

25% Writing exam

25% Speaking assessment

Support materials and useful links


  • The course text book is AQA GCSE French – Oxford University Press (Foundation/Higher)
  • A French Dictionary – this is a useful resource for students
  • CGP GCSE French AQA Complete Revision and Practice Booklet


  • The course text book is AQA GCSE Spanish – Oxford University Press (Foundation/Higher)
  • A Spanish Dictionary – this is a useful resource for students
  • CGP GCSE Spanish AQA Complete Revision and Practice Booklet

The “European Book Shop” located in Piccadilly Circus stocks a range of materials from which to choose to support students studying a new language.

Department Info

Any specialist equipment required?

A bilingual dictionary

  • Collins French/English Dictionary

  • Collins Spanish/English Dictionary

Enrichment opportunities

There have been numerous trips to France and Spain – please keep a check on the website for this year’s announcement.

Clubs or Interventions

  • Revision classes after school
  • Work with language assistants
  • Saturday revision classes
  • Summer school

Future careers/uni courses.

A qualification in another language can be translated into valuable currency for many careers including engineering, the travel industry, media and the international world of sport and music.  Language skills are in demand and can be used in almost any career, particularly in businesses that trade internationally: managers are often required to speak a second language.  Jobs where your qualification would be useful, include broadcast journalist, detective, diplomatic service officer, English as a foreign language teacher, international aid/development worker, logistics and distribution manager, marketing executive, patent examiner, sales executive, tour manager.

Social, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) and British Values

Spiritual development within Languages involves students being encouraged to explore different religions from around the world and to further develop their knowledge on racism and discrimination. Students also explore their own feelings and meaning and reflect upon topics such as ethical issues include family matters, career aspirations and future ambitions.

Moral development within Languages involves students being required to evaluate, comment upon and discuss various world-wide moral issues. They will do this through the use of authentic resources that have purposely been built in to our Schemes of Work, undertaking independent research to support this.

Social development within Languages is consistently encouraged and required for all Language Learners throughout their journey in secondary school. Student are continuously required to work both independently and within new circles to enhance their learning. Kinesthetic activities are used with lessons to expose students to working with a range of people outside of their usual friendship zones.

Cultural development within Languages is fundamental and forms the basis of our curriculum and Schemes of Work. Students are consistently encouraged to consider the differences within the British society and how they may compare to those globally. For example, students are offered the opportunity to study School Systems from different countries and how these differ from the UK system.

Further Information

If you would like to find out more about the Modern Foreign Languages curriculum, please contact Ms Kamberaji at:

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT