Physical Education
Physical Education Curriculum Map
Extra-curricular pe clubs timetable 2024/2025
Physical Education
Head of Department: Mr Davies
A successful Poly PE student is someone who has a positive attitude and always tries their best in all activities they encounter at their particular ability level. He is able to demonstrate clear knowledge and understanding of key concepts across a wide range of sporting activities and shows commitment, leadership, creativity and perseverance in lessons and extracurricular activities. He understands how not just to explain, but lead, a healthy and active lifestyle, making positive contributions to physical, mental and social well-being. His knowledge extends to deeper tactical thinking and sharp decision-making and this is done confidently both as an individual performer but also by working as part of a team. As a department, we ask our students to smile, sweat, succeed in all they do and the perfect PE performer will do this.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Our Key Stage 3 PE curriculum is designed to allow all pupils to naturally progress through a broad range of competitive and high-quality physical activities, whilst at the same time providing opportunities for success and personal development.
Pupils will have a chance to become confident and competent in the activities which they undertake, leading to one of our main departments' aims of stimulating pupil interest and enjoyment in PE, so that a fit and active healthy lifestyle may be achieved.
Students will study football, basketball, rugby, hockey, fitness, athletics, cricket, softball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton, handball, hockey, alternative sports and swimming throughout KS3.
The PE department here at the Poly encourages every student to attend at least one extra-curricular club, either before school, during lunch or after school per week. Check the department noticeboard for the latest opportunities.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
All Key Stage 4 students have core PE lessons. They may also choose Sport Studies as an additional option subject.
Cambridge National Sports Studies Level 1 and 2
Sport Studies takes a sector-based focus on physical education, whilst also encompassing some core sport/physical educational themes. Students will have the opportunity to look at different elements within sports and will have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in a variety of different sports. They will also look at contemporary issues within sport such as funding, participation, ethics, role models and sport and the media. Students will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport and learn about the different ways of being involved in the sports industry.
Over the three years, students will complete 3 units (1 exam and two coursework):
- R184: Contemporary issues in sport (Exam)
- R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities
- R187: Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities
Support Materials & Useful Links
All students must have a full PE kit to show commitment to the course and participation in every session is compulsory. Students will also be expected to contribute towards extra-curricular teams and clubs and give back to the PE department.
More information on the course can be found at:
Department Information
Any specialist equipment required?
A full PE kit is required and available to purchase direct from our school suppliers.
Enrichment opportunities
Students will visit local sporting arenas as well as take part in outdoor adventurous activities such as kayaking, cycling and climbing. The school also runs an annual ski trip in the spring term.
Clubs or Interventions
There is a full PE extra-curricular timetable and a weekly support class for Sports Studies coursework.
Future careers/uni courses.
Personal trainer; sports coach; sports development officer; physiotherapist; sports psychologist and many more!
How do we promote healthy living and healthy lifestyles?
Termly PE assemblies in lessons where we have a focus on healthy living, led by Mr Haslam (who is our healthy living ambassador)
We discuss diet, activity, links of being active to physical, mental and social wellbeing, washing and change of clothes and good healthy habits and choices.
Displays such as our 'How Much Sugar?' is in that drink and have posters in changing rooms of a balanced diet plate of food.
Our Dept motto is 'Smile, Sweat, Succeed':
Smile - have a positive attitude and approach to activity,
Sweat - work hard both physically and mentally and
Succeed - show progress at the individual's particular level.
Social, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) and British Values
Specific examples of SMSC in PE here at Woolwich Poly:
Pupils learn to cope with both success and defeat with dignity.
Pupils discuss learning objectives and reflect upon issues as well as listening to others' opinions.
We teach strategies and tactics to pupils.
We discuss the role of coaches, leaders and officials who are used to develop pupils’ sense of right and wrong.
Pupils witness positive behaviour in PE and are allowed the opportunity to reflect upon the need for fair play and the rules.
Pupils become aware of different cultural attitudes towards aspects of physical activity.
Pupils discover the role of sport and physical activity in society, including learning games and dances from different traditions.
Pupils learn to cope with their emotions in a socially acceptable way during competitive situations.